

Main features(主要性能)

High resolution and precision(高精度)

Low noise(低噪声)

Low temperature offset(低温漂)

Low power consumption(低功耗)

Convenience of installation and service(安装维修方便)

Graphical display with touch screen(触摸屏图形显示)

Internal real time clock(内部实时时钟控制)

32 GB SD card(32G   SD卡)

Internal real time clock(内部实时时钟控制)

Satellite synchronization(卫星同步)

USB outputusb开关量输出板

3 years operational guarantee3年运行保证

Waterproof housing提供防水外壳



Frequency band(频率范围)

DC-0.5 Hz

Sample rate(采样率)

1 per s

SD card(32g)

32 GB

Digital output and control(输出输入端口


GPS timing, coordinates and altitude determination(GPS定时,坐标和高度测定

Operating temperature range(温度范围

-20 -+ 60° C

Power supply(电源)

(5-20) V

Power consumption(功耗)

< 0.5

Weight (主机重量)

2.0 kg

3-component Flux-Gate Magnetometer(磁通门技术参数

Measured range at analog output(测量范围

±70000 nT

Frequency band for magnetometer(频带范围

DC-10 Hz

Transformation factor of analog output(模拟输出因子

20 µV/nT

Noise level at 1 Hz(噪音水平(1Hz时)

≤10 pT/√HZ

Temperature drift(温度漂移

< 0.3 nT/°C

Components orthogonality error (without compensation)(三分量方位正交误差

< 30 min of arc

Operating temperature range(工作温度

-20 + 55° C

Power consumption(功耗)

<0.5 W

Power supply(电源

5 V ±0.1V

Weight: sensor with 20 m cable(磁通门重量)带20米电缆的传感器
