

Main features(主要性能)

High resolution and accuracy高分辨、高精度

Low noise低噪声

Low time shift of the acquired data and Low temperature offset   (低漂移)

Convenience of installation and service   (操作简单)

Automatic operation control   (自动操作控制)

Satellite synchronization卫星同步

IAGA2002 formatted 1-sec and 1-min dataIAGA2002格式(分级数据)

Deep suppression of the power mains interference强抗(源)干扰能力



Automated offset compensation band along each magnetic component自动补偿范围

± 70 000 nT

Measured range of magnetic field variations动态测量范围

± 4000 nT

Resolution along each component: 分辨率

at the display 显示分辩率

in 1-second and 1-minute data files 1秒和1分数据分辨率

in 0.1-second file and Flash card data 0.1秒和存储数据分辨率

0.1 nT
0.01 nT
0.001 nT

Frequency band 频宽

DC – 3.5 Hz

Temperature drift 温度漂移

< 0.2 nT/°C

Output noise in frequency band (0.01 – 1) Hz频宽在(0.01 – 1) Hz时的输出噪音

< 0.01 nT rms

Magnetic sensor components orthogonality 磁场分量正交误差

< 30 min of arc

Sample rate 采样率

at the magnetometer digital output and FLASH card数字输出以及存储数据的时间间隔after PC software digital filtration经过计算机处理可得到

10 Hz

1 per second 标准妙级
1 per minute 标准分级

Error of synchronization with UTC time   UTC的时间同步误差

< 10 ms

Volume of the removable Compact FLASH memory card 闪存卡容量

2 GB

Digital output 数字信号输出

RS 232

GPS timing and co-ordinates determination   


Operating temperature range 工作温度

-10 to +40° C

Power supply 电源电压

1015 V

Power consumption 功耗

< 4 W

Weight   重量:

sensor with 10 m cable 磁通门重量(包括10m电缆)

electronic unit with cables 主机重量(包括电缆)

GPS antenna with 15 m cable     15mGPS 天线

3.3 kg
3.8 kg
0.7 kg